Wash your hands of Coronavirus scams! Read it. Share it. Prevent it.
The National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team has produced some materials to help promote awareness around Coronavirus (COVID-19) scams at this difficult time.
The team has published various tools that will help spread the message that criminals are exploiting fears about Coronavirus to be able to prey on members of the public, particularly older and vulnerable people who are isolated from family and friends. On the Against Scams Partnership pages of the Cambs County Council website you will find a page for scam prevention resources where you will find:
Coronavirus infographic – this is printable and sharable via social media or email.
Link to the updated FAS training materials
Social media pack – please share on all your platforms (Word and PDF files available)
Letter template - for partners who want to contact people in vulnerable situations in their area. Please add your own logos and contact information and edit as you wish.
Please share amongst your partners, groups, communities and social media platforms to support us in this campaign and help share the important scams awareness messages. If you haven’t already please follow @AgainstScams and @NTSscamsteam. Please join the fight against scams by registering to become a Friend Against Scams Follow the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Against Scams Partnership (CAPASP) on Facebook or Twitter or visit our website for more information.